Thursday, June 18, 2009

Theo Sees the Cardiologist (A Happy Story with No Moral Beyond This: Love Dogs and You Can't Go Wrong)

Theo the Wonderdog had a rainy-day outing to the cardiologist and the news is very good!

He's got a minor valvular leakage that may progress or may not. The cardiologist told him (and Lois) that "given the mildness of the lesion, I would not anticipate problems for years even if it does progress."

In other words: YAY THEO!

She did ask that he come back in 12-18 months for another echo (but might that just be because he's too cute to not want to see again?)

Oh, and if it does progress, he'd need heart meds.

But he's all great and once his heartworm meds have completed their work (mid-August) he can be just as active as any other dog. Though he'll probably still prefer cuddling to running around :).

Theo came back to Rachel and Bella's house, ate a big bowl of food and went for a nap. It's all good.

And the formerly skinny Sweet Boy (he was 26 pounds and his hip bones jutted like a supermodel's when we first met him) is now a bruiser at 31 lbs.

All together now: HURRAY THEO!

(Remember to buy a raffle! Thanks!)

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