Monday, June 8, 2009

Theo Loves Children

Sammi loves Theo and it looks pretty mutual!

Not a lot of people made it to the latest adoption event, which was a real shame because the dogs were so wonderful! Elaine, Lilly, Pax... I could go on and on.

But four (4!!) FOT (Friends of Theo) --including the beautiful Sammi--made a point of stopping by. None of these fine folks can have a dog for various reasons, but they all follow the Sweet Boy on his blog and took time out of their beautiful Sunday to come cheer him on.

You'll love him too!

Also: This is the last week I'll be fishing for raffle prizes. I've got homemade candy, signed books, specially made makeup and handmade jewelry. Can you donate anything?

Next week I'll begin selling tickets!

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