Friday, June 19, 2009

Anthropomorphize Much?

I'm Theo and I've hacked Rachel's account to bring you this important message:


Thank you to everyone who donated, is about to donate, or will donate before the raffle drive is over and thank you to everyone for all your well wishes. They mean a lot. Along with the belly rubs and treats and coos, they add up to a pretty wonderful existence. Who knew life could be so good? Well, I did. But I'm a pretty big optimist.

Looks like we'll meet our goal (and goal rhymes with bowl and bowls hold kibble, so I know that goals are good), but I wanted to ask that you buy raffles even if you see that number go beyond $500. That's because Homeward Trails has lots of wonderful dogs and cats in need and 100 percent of your donations will go toward their care.

Please remember to email Rachel or Lois and let them know how many tickets you bought so they can give you the raffle tickets or email you the raffle ticket numbers. More prizes will be announced soon.

Thanks again, and many thanks to Rachel for the spell-checking. Now that I know how "kibble" is spelled, I plan to scribble the word all over her walls.

Even if you can't give, remember: I LOVE YOU!!

-Sweet Boy Theo

1 comment:

  1. Rthis blog rocks, theo is so cute! And i love the photos of him!
