Wednesday, April 22, 2009

It's Nice Here

Theo (we call him Teo, just to be fancy) came to stay last night and he's wonderful. Definitely a lover, not a fighter. Bella (juiced by so many treats her little head spun) was a near-perfect darling.

Teo inspected the place and proclaimed it worthy. He mostly wants to hang out on the couch or with his sweet little head on my lap. He adores Bella and follows her lead, which she's cool with. He wasn't so jazzed about his sponge bath, but he waited patiently til I was done. He looooves walks--I need to get him a harness. We hit the sidewalk and he's like a man released from death row (which he pretty much is)--pep in his step, tail wagging, love emanating (probably from those ears--you could hide a missile in there).

We're excited to get him housebroken and into his forever home. Someone is going to be a very lucky dog momma or dad!


  1. Yay for Teo! So nice that he can walk into a freshly painted home :)

  2. i love him. i think we should all move to a farm and have lots of dogs! can't wait until he can meet the boys!
